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Friday, July 13, 2012

One Solar Event, Two Different Views

July 12, 2012
At no other point in time were we able to see 360 degrees of the Sun. Thanks to our fleet; STEREO A (Ahead), STEREO B (Behind) and SDO we can truly observe events from different perspectives.

A particularly beautiful prominence eruption observed by both the STEREO-Ahead spacecraft by EUVI (in extreme UV light) and the COR1 coronagraph and the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory (AIA, in extreme UV light 304 angstroms) on July 2, 2012.

The prominence eruption was associated with a strong M5.6 class (medium) flare at 10:52 UT. e video clip covers about six hours of activity. The eruption occurred on the Earth-facing side of the Sun, but missed Earth since it was directed towards the south.


Topics: Technology Internet, Environment, Solar telescopes, Space plasmas, Plasma physics, Stars, Astronomy, Manned spacecraft, International Space Station, Human spaceflight, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Solar Sentinels, Coronal mass ejection, Ultraviolet, Corona, Coronagraph, Sun, Solar flare, STEREO, Solar Dynamics Observatory, Spacecraft, Unity, Cupola

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