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Sunday, July 15, 2012


Thanks to Norton2012ify for this observation! I was wondering about possible EMPs from this latest X-Class flare. Yesterday, at the time we were initially impacted, I had a huge power spike on my computer system. Understand that I have TWO surge protection devices set-up to my computer system running back to back. Meaning if I get a power surge in the first surge protector, my second protection device should kick in for added protection. Both systems have transformers that will maintain the power either adding or decreasing power automatically - BOTH are backed up with their own independent battery back-ups! Essentially, I am fully protected from any type of electrical power surges through my power line. And, I have this due to the fact that I run completely on an off-grid system.
So, I was pretty shocked when my system got a power surge to the computer, and had suspected an Electromagnetic Pulse, or EMP, through the atmosphere. This coincided with the exact time of initial impact of the X-Class solar flare! Anyhow - very interesting.

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