Have you ever wondered when the magnetic poles are going to reverse or
‘flip’ next, what might cause this and what will happen to life on Earth
when and if they do? No, then maybe you are not a worrier like me and
so I apologize in advance if this article gives you any cause for
concern, I also apologize for the article's ludicrous length which I
have tried unsuccessfully to curtail.
Unfortunately, it seems to
me, as only an interested laywoman and a Science2.0 blogger who is
definitely not an expert on this subject, that there are few scientific
experts in this field who appear to be able to confidently and
convincingly answer these controversial questions. This may be because
there are so many conflicting hypotheses surrounding the subject, a lack
of conclusive data and a lot of speculation, which I am now also
contributing to with this blog.
However, one thing is apparent
to me, most of the ‘experts’ seem to agree that we are overdue for a
geomagnetic pole reversal and that there are even signs that this has
already started to happen. Is it possible then that scientists and
politicians are not eager to share the fact that no one is really sure
about what will happen as the magnetic field weakens, shifts and then
My admittedly rather limited internet research indicates
that no one really knows for sure why and when these pole reversals have
happened in the past, what exactly their effects were or even when they
will happen next and what the effects will be then, but that there are
definitely plenty of conflicting hypotheses, all of which are not easy
to test and prove for obvious reasons.
The History of Polar Reversals and Shifts
geophysicists claim that the process of magnetic pole shift takes
hundreds of thousands of years and that it is 750,000 years since the
last magnetic pole reversal occurred within an approximately 200,000
year cycle. Others hypothesize a much shorter 10,000 year cycle, and
claim that the last reversal occurred about 11,500 years ago, and that
there is evidence of a correlation between reversals and leaps in
evolution, driven by the resulting radiation exposure resulting from a
damaged geomagnetic field or magnetosphere, that usually protects us
living organisms from the solar radiation that can cause cancer and
mutate our DNA.
How the Geomagnetic Force is thought to work.
in the center of our planet Earth there resides a spinning solid iron
ball, which researchers call the ‘inner core’. The ball is about the
same temperature as the surface of the sun at approximately 5778 K (5505
°C) and it is like a world within a world or maybe even like a heart
within a living body. The inner core is 70% as wide as the moon and
spins at its own rate, faster than the Earth above it. This ball or
‘inner core’ is surrounded by its own molten ocean which is a very deep
layer of liquid iron called ‘the outer core’. The Earth's magnetic field
apparently originates from this ocean of molten iron, an electrically
conducting fluid which is in constant motion. This liquid ‘outer core’
seethes and surges like a stormy sea, with currents and whirlpools
powered by the Coriolis forces of Earth's rotation and these complex
motions and interactions supposedly generate the geomagnetic field and
the resulting magnetosphere through a process called the ‘dynamo
It is believed that the convection in the fluid outer
core is driven by thermal and compositional buoyancy sources at the
boundary between the inner and outer cores, which are produced by the
effect of the Earth slowly cooling and the iron in the iron-rich fluid
alloy solidifying onto the inner core creating latent heat and the light
constituent of the alloy. These buoyancy forces then cause fluid to
rise and Coriolis forces, due to the Earth's rotation, cause helical
fluid flows. This fluid motion, like waves and currents in an ocean,
apparently twists and shears the magnetic field, at the same time as it
generates a new magnetic field to replace the current geomagnetic force
as it diffuses away.
Evidence of Past Polar Reversals.
records indicate that the geomagnetic field has existed for at least
three billion years and that if it were not being continually
regenerated, it would probably have decayed after 20,000 years, as the
temperature of the core is too high to sustain permanent magnetism on
its own. Paleomagnetic records also show that the dipole polarity of
this geomagnetic field has reversed many times in the past, in other
words the north and south poles have already repeatedly reversed or
‘flipped’ and the mean time between reversals is roughly 200,000 years
with individual reversal events often taking only a couple thousand
years and occasionally possibly even much less time to occur. These
‘mean’ statistics may be a bit misleading though, if the ‘flips’ have
occurred randomly over that period and according to Wikipedia the rate of reversals in the Earth's magnetic field has varied widely over time.
claims that ‘72 million years ago (Ma), the field reversed 5 times in a
million years. In a 4-million-year period centred on 54 Ma, there were
10 reversals; at around 42 Ma, 17 reversals took place in the span of 3
million years. In a period of 3 million years centering on 24 Ma, 13
reversals occurred. 51 reversals occurred in a 12-million-year period,
centering on 15 million years ago. These eras of frequent reversals have
been counterbalanced by a few "superchrons" or long periods when no
reversals took place. It was generally assumed that the frequency of
geomagnetic reversals was random until 2006 when a team of physicists at
the University of Calabria found that the reversals conform to a Lévy
distribution, which describes stochastic processes with long-ranging
correlations between events in time’.
Some other Planetary and Solar Polar Reversals and their Effects.
celestial bodies also have geomagnetic forces, fields and reversing
poles. Mars apparently experienced a magnetic crisis four billion years
ago and has been devoid of a magnetic field, an appreciable atmosphere,
and possibly of life ever since. The Sun also does a magnetic pole
reversal approximately every 11 years, usually at the peak of each
sunspot cycle. The next one is hypothesized to be due in 2012, hence
probably the sudden recent increase in solar flares which have been
affecting satellite communications, in preparation for the next solar
polar ‘flip’.
In comparison to the Sun, the Earth pole reversals
are far less frequent, however the current magnetic force field appears
to be weakening and this weakening effect is often hypothesized to
precede a geomagnetic pole reversal event on Earth. The most visible
signs of Earth's magnetic field are auroras, which are caused by charged
particles from space interacting with the atmosphere as they flow into
the north and south magnetic poles.
Figure 1. An Aurora
Effects of the Geomagnetic Force.
geomagnetic force protects the planet from the lethal effects of solar
winds, radiation and cosmic rays and supports and maintains the location
of the north and south poles. The weakening of the Earth's magnetic
field has been happening for 2000 years, some scientists claim and in
the past 20 years the magnetic field has become so erratic and unstable
that airport and aeroplane equipment has needed to be readjusted for
this change in the Earth's geomagnetic field behavior.
Earth’s geomagnetic field is in a constant state of change, according to
researchers like scientist Larry Newitt of the Geological Survey of
Canada who regularly goes hunting with a compass for his quarry, which
is Earth's north magnetic pole, which is then usually found in an
increasingly distant new location from the last record taken. Scientists
have known for some time that the magnetic poles move. James Ross first
located the north pole in 1831 after an epic arctic journey during
which his ship became icebound for four years. No one returned to the
north pole again until the next century when in 1904, Roald Amundsen
found the current north pole and discovered that it had moved at least
50 kilometres from the original site moving then at an average of less
than 1 kilometre per year.
The pole kept moving slowly
northwards during the 20th century, at an increasing average speed of 10
km per year, but lately in the 21st century it has been accelerating
and relocating at a new average of more than 50 kilometres per year. At
this rate it will soon exit North America and reach Siberia if it
doesn’t 'flip' beforehand.
The Earth's magnetic field is
changing in other ways too. Compass needles in Africa are drifting about
1 degree per decade. And globally the magnetic field has weakened 10%
since the 19th century. After a meeting of the American Geophysical
Union, many newspapers carried the story "Is Earth's magnetic field
collapsing?" However, according to a more optimistic scientist Gary
Glatzmaier of the University of California at Santa Cruz, ‘the ongoing
10% decline doesn't mean that a reversal is imminent. "The field is
increasing or decreasing all the time," he says. "We know this from
studies of the paleomagnetic record." Earth's present-day magnetic field
is, in fact, much stronger than normal. The dipole moment, a measure of
the intensity of the magnetic field, is now 8 x 1022 amps x m2. That's
twice the million-year average of 4 x 1022 amps x m2'.
It has
also been suggested that this ongoing weakening of the geomagnetic force
may be correlated to some of the climate change effects that we are
already experiencing, as it has also been hypothesized that drastic
changes in the Earth’s magnetic field could cause tectonic plates to
shift and move, trigger earthquakes and volcanic activity, and cause
massive storms on the surface of the Earth, while the weather patterns
are in the process of readjusting.
Evidence of a Declining Geomagnetic Force and Past Polar Reversals.
evidence of a declining geomagnetic force field is apparently recorded
in every clay dish that has ever been fired on this planet. During this
process the iron minerals in the clay record the exact state of Earth's
magnetic field at the time it was baked. Pots from ancient to modern
times reveal just how dramatically this field has changed and show that
there has been a rapid fall in recent years. The rate of change is also
higher in these clay dishes over the last 20 years than it has been for
any time in the past 5,000 years. The evidence is that the earth’s
geomagnetic force is going from a strong field down to a weak field, and
that it's doing this very rapidly.
Further evidence of
geomagnetic pole reversal and a weakening geomagnetic force can be found
in several locations on the ocean floor, including one that bisects the
Atlantic Ocean, these are called Oceanic Ridges or Rifts and are
located where the sea floor is being forced apart. Magma, which contains
iron, erupts as lava on to the ocean floor and as it solidifies it is
quickly magnetized in the directions of the magnetic poles. The extent
and direction that it is magnetized can then be easily measured.
studying the magma on the ocean floor on either side of the ridges or
rifts found that periodically, the iron components were magnetized in an
opposite direction and that since the magnetizing relied upon the
magnetic properties of the north and south magnetic poles, it was
concluded that also periodically, in a time frame that has been measured
at being about ten millennium, the poles reverse, just as they do on
the sun but in a much shorter time frame. These same scientists claim
that the last reversal occurred about 11,500 years ago.
There is
further hypothetical evidence that we are already in the transition
phase that precedes a polar reversal as shown in the growing areas of
magnetic anomaly, field lines that are moving the wrong way and
signaling an ever weaker and chaotic state for our protective
magnetosphere shield. NASA has verified that there is evidence of a
positive magnetism energy at the south pole, which is normally supposed
to exist in the north pole only. The South pole is supposed to only have
a negative magnetic charge. In the past 150 years, it has also been
claimed that there has been a migration between the north and south
poles and their respective magnetic charges of positive and negative
magnetic reversal.
According to a report issued by the British
Geological Survey (BGS), there is evidence to suggest that the magnetic
reversal has begun. The BGS has taken this position after careful
analysis of a region of the Earth known as the South Atlantic Anomaly
(SAA). It's an area where the magnetic field is in a state of flux and
has weakened noticeably. The data shows the anomaly is growing rapidly
and spreading west from South Africa, indicating that the Earth's liquid
core is changing. "This may be early evidence of a forthcoming reversal
in the direction of the Earth’s internal magnetic field," states the
article on the BGS website.
Geomagnetic Models
scientists have attempted to create models to simulate the workings of
Earth’s geomagnetic fields and her geomagnetic poles. Physicist Dan
Lathrop re-created the molten iron dynamo at Earth's core by using 240
pounds of highly explosive molten sodium in 1995. In probably a slightly
less risky model, Gary Glatzmaier and Paul Roberts have created a
computer simulation called the ‘geodynamo’ that not only creates a
self-sustaining magnetic field which was the first to do this, but after
simulating the passage of 36,000 years, the field it generated
spontaneously flipped. You can view the animation generated by the
Glatzmaier-Roberts computer model and see what hypothetically happens
during a reversal at http://es.ucsc.edu/~glatz/geodynamo.html
and Roberts claim that ‘The resulting three-dimensional numerical
simulation of the geodynamo, run on parallel supercomputers at the
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center and the Los Alamos National Laboratory,
now spans more than 300,000 years. The simulated magnetic field has an
intensity and a dipole dominated structure that is very similar to the
Earth's (Figure 2) and a westward drift of the non-dipolar structures of
the field at the surface that is essentially the same as the 0.2
degrees/year measured on the Earth. Our solution illustrates how the
influence of the Earth's rotation on convection in the fluid outer core
is responsible for this magnetic field structure and time dependence’.
Figure 2.
‘A snapshot
of the 3D magnetic field structure simulated with the
Glatzmaier-Roberts geodynamo model. Magnetic field lines are blue where
the field is directed inward and yellow where directed outward. The
rotation axis of the model Earth is vertical and through the center. A
transition occurs at the core-mantle boundary from the intense,
complicated field structure in the fluid core, where the field is
generated, to the smooth, potential field structure outside the core.
The field lines are drawn out to two Earth radii. Magnetic field is
rapped around the "tangent cylinder" due to the shear of the zonal fluid
Causes of Geomagnetic Pole Reversal
opinion is divided on what hypothetically causes geomagnetic pole
reversals and flips. Some theories hypothesize that they are due to
events internal to the system, that generate the Earth's magnetic field,
others propose that they are due to external events.
Internal Events
to Wikipedia ‘Many scientists believe that reversals are an inherent
aspect of the dynamo theory of how the geomagnetic field is generated.
In simulations, it is observed that magnetic field lines can sometimes
become tangled and disorganized through the chaotic motions of liquid
metal in the Earth's core. During these periods, the direction and
magnitude of the magnetic field observed at any point on the surface
fluctuate, and net field strength is reduced by dipole-dipole
interactions’.‘In some simulations, this leads to an instability in
which the magnetic field spontaneously flips over into the opposite
orientation. This scenario is supported by observations of the solar
magnetic field, which undergoes spontaneous reversals every 9–12 years.
However, with the sun it is observed that the solar magnetic intensity
greatly increases during a reversal, whereas all reversals on Earth seem
to occur during periods of low field strength’.
External Events
also claims that ‘Some scientists, such as Richard A. Muller, believe
that geomagnetic reversals are not spontaneous processes but rather are
triggered by external events which directly disrupt the flow in the
Earth's core. Such processes may include the arrival of continental
slabs carried down into the mantle by the action of plate tectonics at
subduction zones, the initiation of new mantle plumes from the
core-mantle boundary, and possibly mantle-core shear forces resulting
from very large impact events. Supporters of this theory hold that any
of these events could lead to a large scale disruption of the dynamo,
effectively turning off the geomagnetic field. Because the magnetic
field is stable in either the present North-South orientation or a
reversed orientation, they propose that when the field recovers from
such a disruption it spontaneously chooses one state or the other, such
that a recovery is seen as a reversal in about half of all cases’.
My Own Hypothesis (My
now defunct hypothesis below was temporarily removed but has now been
reinserted between the brackets and in italic font, simply to help
lessen any confusion to readers of the comments section at the end of
this blog, which has references to this hypothesis).
laywoman’s hypothesis or speculation is probably unfounded because the
combined masses and production rates of neutrinos and the amount of
energy involved in powering these nuclear reactor, neutrino and collider
experiments, is probably negligible in comparison to the enormous
energies and masses believed to be involved in sustaining the Earth’s
geomagnetic force. These worldwide nuclear reactor, collider and
neutrino experiments are hopefully not influencing the current decline
in the Earth’s geomagnetic force or the movement of the poles, even
though recently a revised calculation suggests that around 3% of
particles 'go missing' from all nuclear reactor experiments, see 'The amazing disappearing antineutrino' and 'The Reactor Antineutrino Anomaly' paper at http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1101/1101.2755v4.pdf
Just for the record here is my hypothesis:-
have my own rather worrying and hopefully completely unfounded
hypothesis that the sudden increase in north and south pole relocating
movement since the 1980s and the increasingly weakening geomagnetic
force may also somehow be related to the corresponding increased
generation of relatively new non-extraterrestrial missing energy
in the form of unidentified particles that are being created in nuclear
reactors, particle accelerators and collidor experiments which are
increasingly taking place around the world since the 1980’s and which
did not occur much before.
Prior to this the Earth’s geomagnetic
force has protected the inner and outer cores from similar
extra-terrestrial energies and particles before they were created
beneath her protective magnetosphere shield in these Earth-bound
experiments. These experiments may even possibly be creating significant
quantities of the hypothetical 4th generation massive sterile neutrinos as they travel oscillating their way through the Earth while possibly being altered by the MSW or ‘matter effect’
resonance, interacting only with gravity and other neutrinos and
therefore potentially interacting with the Earth’s inner and outer
cores’ geomagnetic force fields in some unknown manner.
claims that 'Sterile neutrinos would still interact via gravity, so if
they are heavy enough, they could explain cold dark matter or warm dark
matter. Sterile neutrinos may also mix with ordinary neutrinos via a
Dirac mass. The sterile neutrinos and ordinary neutrinos may also have
Majorana masses. In certain models, both Dirac and Majorana masses are
used in a seesaw mechanism, which drives ordinary neutrino masses down
and makes the sterile neutrinos much heavier than the Standard Model
interacting neutrinos. In some models the heavy neutrinos can be as
heavy as the GUT scale (~1015 GeV)'.
Wikipedia gives many examples of large experimental particle laboratories , nuclear reactors and neutrino experiments
that are possibly generating significant amounts of this type missing
energy and unidentified particles. These include the Large Hadron
Particle Collidor (LHC) and OPERA at CERN in Geneva, the Brookhaven
National Laboratory Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) which
collides heavy ions such as gold ions and polarized protons. The DESY at
the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics in Novosibirsk, Russia. The
Hadron Elektron Ring Anlage (HERA) in Hamburg, Germany, which collides
electrons and positrons with protons. MINOS at Fermilab, in Batavia,
United States which also has the Tevatron, which collides protons and
antiprotons and was the highest energy particle collider in the world
until the Large Hadron Collider surpassed it on 29 November 2009. KEK,
in Tsukuba, Japan which has K2K, a neutrino oscillation experiment and
Belle, an experiment measuring the CP violation of B mesons. SLAC
National Accelerator Laboratory in Menlo Park, United States has PEP-II,
which collides electrons and positrons. Many more particle accelerators also exist on the planet.]
What will happen if a Polar Flip Occurs?
knowing that pole reversal happens, little is known or certain about
the process or what will happen when it does occur next and what signs
will precede such an event, so it isn’t easy to scientifically predict
when it will happen and what will happen when it does. It has been
claimed that just prior to, and just after some pole reversals in the
past, there has been evidence of a disruption to plant and animal
species and of rapid climate changes. Wikipedia points out that ‘Homo
erectus and their ancestors certainly(?) survived many previous
reversals, though they did not depend on computer systems that could be
damaged by large coronal mass ejections’.
At the time of one of
the hypothetized reversals 11,000 years ago, our planet was ‘locked in
an ice age, with great ice sheets that covered most of the globe and
immediately afterward, the ice started to recede rapidly, a condition
that continues today’. It has been hypothesized that Woolly mammoths
went extinct when the Gothenburg magnetic reversal occurred some 11,500
years ago and that the Earth collapsed into a catastrophic Ice Age when
the Mono Lake magnetic reversal took place 23,000 years ago. Did Non-anthropogenic Climate Change cause Neanderthal extinction 30,000 years ago when he encountered climate change caused by a geomagnetic pole reversal?
hypotheses suggest that the effects of the pole reversal may have
terrible consequences in a short period, and others predict that it may
be more gentle and take more than a hundred years, if it happens over a
longer period. Since human beings have never been through a pole shift
that they know of in our recorded history, no one really knows how a
pole shift is going to work or what the results will be. Geophysicist
Rob Coe of the University of California at Santa Cruz, may have however
found a lava record in Oregon that charts magnetic mayhem that ensued
during a previous period of reversal. Without a doubt GPS satellite and
navigation systems all over the planet would become chaotic.
If a
pole shift does take place, some hypothesize that the axis and
magnetism of Earth would also be changed, the poles would flip and
reverse so that the south pole has a positive magnetic charge instead of
a negative magnetic charge, and the north pole has a negative magnetic
charge instead of the positive magnetic charge it now has.
think that possibly the worst outcome predicted as a hypothetical
possibility that I have read, is that the geomagnetic force and
consequently the protective magnetosphere breaks up into multiple
haphazard poles or even ceases to exist altogether for a period of time
and the sun's radiation, solar winds and cosmic rays have no obstacle to
shield them from reaching some parts of the planet, causing the surface
of the Earth to possibly become temporarily uninhabitable. Without this
protection hypothetically many plants might not be able to grow,
animals could die, and so possibly could any humans who were left on the
surface. Let’s hope that these hypothetical worst case scenarios are
wrong, if however they turn out to be right then those old mines,
underground caves and railway lines and nuclear bunkers may come in very
Internet References
This blog was written by Helen Barratt who's Science20 profile is at http://www.science20.com/profile/helen_barratt