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Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Antarctica Pyramids
2 Pyramids right next to a research facility 9/22/2012. Google Earth / 71° 56' 55.29" S 23° 20' 42.94" E. The terrain at this site is Granite. The facility was built on top of the Granite, next to the pyramid structure, which, Granite was used (not entirely) in their construction by the Ancients.
See Link Here:
The Town where Russia meets North Korea
North Korea has been condemned by the international community for continuing its development of nuclear weapons and for testing long-range ballistic missiles.
Few journalists can get close to North Korea, let alone report from inside.
David Chater sent this exclusive report.
Disturbance Under the Ocean - The South Bali Buoy
Buoy Data:
April.30.2013 News:
Note: Dates on some graphs extending longer timeframes are unreadable due to the program condensing characters to fit the space - you can use the link provided to verify the dates and depths of everything shown here.
The Bosnian Pyramids Mystery
The discovery of a set of at least 4 pyramids in Bosnia in 2005 should have set the world on fire. With 2 of the pyramids being larger in size and perhaps older than the Giza pyramids this finding could revolutionize our understanding of our past. Rich Hoyle has a deep understanding of, and direct experience with the Bosnian pyramids and most generously offers his insights to those of us who endeavor to get to the truth of paleo-structures and civilizations. This interview will change the way you think about not only the pyramids of Bosnia but also about the pyramid global culture that once flourished on planet Earth.
The Bosnian pyramids are a cluster of natural geological formations known as flatirons near the Bosnian town of Visoko, northwest of Sarajevo. The hill named Visočica became the focus of international attention in October 2005 following a news-media campaign promoting the idea that they are human-made and the largest ancient pyramids on Earth.
In analysing the site, its known history, and the excavations; geologists, archeologists, and other scientists have concluded that they are natural formations and that there are no signs of human building involved. Additionally, scientists have criticised the Bosnian authorities for supporting the pyramid claim saying: "This scheme is a cruel hoax on an unsuspecting public and has no place in the world of genuine science."
The 213-metre (699 ft) Visočica hill, upon which the Old town of Visoki was once sited, is roughly pyramid-shaped. The idea that it constitutes an ancient artificial edifice was publicised by Bosnian author Semir Osmanagić. His subsequent excavations at the site have uncovered what he claims to be a paved entrance plateau and tunnels, as well as stone blocks and ancient mortar which he has suggested once covered the structure. Osmanagić has claimed that the dig involved an international team of archaeologists from Australia, Austria, Ireland, United Kingdom and Slovenia. However, many archaeologists he named have stated they had not agreed to participate and were never at the site. The dig began in April 2006, and has resulted in reshaping the hill, making it look like a Mayan step pyramid.
MC-12 Liberty Reconnaissance Flight (2010)
Video by Tech. Sgt. Matthew Pardini U.S. Air Forces Central Public Affairs
U.S. Air Force Airmen from the 361st Expeditionary Reconnaissance Squadron preparing and flying an MC-12 Liberty for operations on Kandahar Airfield in Afghanistan. Scenes include the aircraft being prepared for takeoff, taxiing towards takeoff, takeoff, airmen working in the cockpit during flight and the landing of the aircraft. Produced by Staff Sgt. Matthew Pardini.
Air Force Report: MC-12 Crash
Air Force Report: MC-12 Crash. Courtesy Video | Defense Media Activity - Air Force | Date: 04.29.2013. A MC-12 aircraft crashed near Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan, killing four Airmen. Available in high definition.
Suppressed Ancient Discoveries From Around the World
Explorer and archaeologist Jonathan Gray discussed discoveries that demonstrate advanced ancient technology. Because such artifacts don't match current academic beliefs they are often suppressed, with evidence destroyed or hidden, he said, citing the Smithsonian Institution, and countries such as Peru, America, Israel, New Zealand, France, and Australia as being involved in covering-up evidence.
Some of the suppressed ancient discoveries he highlighted:
A kind of glassware in Egypt and Peru that can be bent like plastic.
Screen projectors used in Egyptian temples, with movement and sound simulation.
Artifacts and buildings left on the moon-- Chinese records speak of trips to the moon.
The 'Black Knight' satellite-- ancient races talked about putting up satellites.
An ancient underground complex discovered in Southern California that included star charts on aluminum sheets.
Micro-techology found in Russia, with some objects as small as 1/1000th of an inch.
Maps of the ancient world that showed Antarctica as free of ice and populated.
Gray also spoke about his challenge to the work of Zecharia Sitchin, who contends that an ET race, the Annunaki, visited Earth from the planet Nibiru. Sitchin's translations of Sumerian cuneiform does not match the accepted dictionary meanings, he commented.
International explorer, archaeologist and author Jonathan Gray has traveled the world to
gather data on ancient mysteries. Over the past 37 years, he has penetrated some largely unexplored areas, including parts of the Amazon headwaters. He has also led expeditions to the bottom of the sea and to remote mountain and desert regions of the world.
In the course of his explorations, Jonathan began to uncover evidence of surprising out of
place artifacts. According to what he was taught at school, these were impossible! They
simply should not exist! And these were not just isolated anomalies. There was a global
pattern to them, suggesting an ancient worldwide civilization of astonishing proportions.
His book, Dead Men's Secrets, catalogues more than a thousand pieces of evidence of a lost super science and technology, including dozens of achievements ahead of our day.
The Book
Archaelogist Jonathan Gray stumbled upon something that shocked him: a whole cache of "out of place" items that should not exist. And they weren't just in one place. There
was a global pattern to them. This pattern showed a lost science and technology. This
content was of tremendous value.
MACHINERY: Did you know that the Egyptians bored into granite rock with drills that turned 500 times faster than modern power drills?
ANCIENT AMERICA: Did you know that a Chinese mapping survey of North America in 2200 BC described a sunrise over the Grand Canyon, black opals and gold nuggets in Nevada, and seals frolicking in San Francisco Bay?
Dead Men's Secrets is an assemblage of astonishing discoveries... A lost super science
emerges from the sea floor, jungle and desert sands of our planet... over 1,000 forgotten
secrets. See this world as you've never seen it before.
Discover answers you've never had. Finally, have the FACTS at your fingertips with which to amaze your friends and colleagues.
Monday, April 29, 2013
PBS - Colorado Broadcasts 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out (2012 documentary)
Colorado Public Television ( and PBS have courageously honored their mission statements as being at the forefront of our nations's public service media network. CPT12 recently utilized this documentary film from Architects & Engineers For 9/11 Truth as a featured item during their annual fundraising campaign. The PBS national website then posted the re-broadcast and that became one of their "Most Watched" and "Most Shared" programs on PBS for several days! Please support the organization which made this program possible by purchasing the DVD or making a tax-deductible donation at
We are approaching the 11th year since that fateful day in September and more and more people are becoming aware that they haven't gotten the whole story on 9/11. Over 1700 architects & engineers are leading the way at AE911TRUTH, with dozens of additional professionals joining them in this documentary to put their careers on the line in their demand for a new independent investigation. High-rise architects, structural engineers, scientists, physicists, chemists, scholars, educators, firefighters, forensic fire engineers, demolition experts and others have put together a ground-breaking scientific assessment of the events at the World Trade Center. The sudden, complete collapse of the third skyscraper on 9/11, WTC Building 7 at 5:20pm, is now being seen around the world as "the smoking gun" which disproves the official story about 9/11. These experts also introduce additional "overwhelming evidence" for a controlled demolition hypothesis at WTC which is disturbing to say the least. The film does not speculate, and empathizes with viewers by also presenting the most popular segment of the film, which introduces the professional perspectives of eight psychologists who explain some of the reasons why it is so hard for people to face the scientific evidence. This is the most scientific and compelling 9/11 documentary film to date, containing vital information that demands action from all of us. We can no longer afford to ignore the World Trade Center evidence.
Shortened 58.5 minute version for promotional use. Please support AE911Truth by buying a DVD, donating - or however you can - watching and sharing this is a great way to support us too! Thanks!
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Saturday, April 27, 2013
UFO. The Most Interesting Video - НЛО. Наиболее интересное видео
Beautiful selection of the most interesting UFO video in which unidentified flying objects are seen most well up to their configuration and structure. This is not just some vague point in the sky and see a great design that clearly discern the features of extraterrestrial civilizations.
Красивая подборка самых интересных видео НЛО, в котором неопознанные летающие объекты видны наиболее хорошо, вплоть до их конфигурации и строения. Это не просто какие-то неясные точки на небе, а видимые большие конструкции, в которых ясно угадываются черты внеземных цивилизаций.
ALERT: Magnetic Pole Shift Update
"Obviously the magnetic pole is still migrating eastly and soon will do another triangulation to pinpoint its current position, but other than that i thought i would share some of the thoughts in which i have been contemplating over the last few days, with regard to the way i percieve and interpret my experience of life, i start to question sometimes why we call it the human race, maybe i am being naive and humans are in a race, what is the true value and worth of being the only human coming first, what is winning the race, being a trillionaire or experiencing more experiences than others, you may think i am delving a little too deep into thought, you may not, you may ponder the same things and experiences of life which i do myself, guys remember to take time out of life to think about the fact that the earth spins at a 1000 mph on its axis, and that it travels at 68,000 mph around its orbit of the sun, give thought to the fact that if we were 200 miles closer to the sun the atmosphere would evaporate, and if we were just 200 miles further we would be a planet of ice, there is 12 hours in the day, and 12 hours in the night, and there is a balanced universe that to me appears to adhere to a universal code or binary system of zeros and nines, i am probably one of the deepest thinkers and scientific minds you may have ever come across, and i enjoy sharing my experience and my thoughts always, be safe."
4MIN News April 27, 2013
Original music by Nemes1s
Logo by Xaviar Thunders
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Dark Secrets of the Black Sea - Uncovering the Roots of Early Civilization
The Black Sea is a place of great mystery and antiquity. Ancient legends describe a time when the oceans rose above the land, causing an entire civilization to vanish beneath the cold waters of this ocean region. Could this be the great flood described in the Bible during the time of Noah?
Today scientists are beginning to discover what may have caused the oceans to rise and are developing new insights about an ancient advanced culture that existed in this mysterious part of the world. This program presents amazing archeological evidence of ancient advanced technology and a long lost advanced civilization that flourished in the Dead Sea region before the end of the last Ice Age.
Includes the facts about this amazing mystery and features, on-site investigations, ancient artifacts, under water archeology, and a fascinating series of spellbinding interviews with researchers, scientists, archeologists and the best-known most credible Black Sea authorities in the world today.
DARK SECRETS OF THE BLACK SEA - NOW Available In A Special 3-DVD Collectors Edition and Loaded with Bonus Features, Including Over 4-Hours of Bonus Interviews - Cat# U671 - Go to
* Underwater Archeology
* Advanced Planetary Physics
* Ancient Advanced Technology
What are the critics saying:
"Black Sea slowly gives up ancient secrets. Expedition delves into theories about biblical flood."
"Scientists explore the Black Sea in search of evidence for Noah's Flood."
- Washington Post
"Geologists Link Black Sea Deluge to Farming's Rise."
- The New York Times
"Ancient Flood Theory Supported by Discovery of Human Artifacts"
- Columbia University Record
"Dr. William Ryan proposes the first truly novel interpretation of Noah's flood in over 150 years."
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Apocalypse Conspiracy 2013 - Illuminati World War III
Planned and executed by shadowy multi-generational fascists bent on world domination and genocidal depopulation, the wars surrounding Israel and Nuclear Armageddon are being scripted
to usher in a totalitarian one world government for the western and European oligarchy, and elite bankster class. The film paints a very bleak picture of the state of world affairs with few glimmers of hope, however viable options are presented, and the brutal truth is revealed on such issues as Syria, Iran, Russia, China, DPRK, Missile Defense, Depleted Uranium Munitions, Israel and Palestine, past wars, economic slavery, and the march to WW3.
Also, regarding the video being mostly RT and Press TV news clips, the point was the prominent alternative media guests and subject matter, the fact that these stories arent told on cnn or msnbc or ctv only further proves that the western blocs bankster occupied commonwealth nations media is too censored to allow such monumental and apocalypse averting discussion. Most of the guests and reporters themselves are in fact American patriots and not affiliated with the Iranian or Russian government at all.
Must see articles and video addendum's on official view page - WW3 is Imminent - Russia, China, Iran, Korea, Syria -
William Cooper - Majesty Twelve - Plan for World Conquest -
Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea is not the Aggressor -
Allied covert War on Syria could Trigger WW3 -
9/11 - Kaballah - Mossad, MI6, Pentagon - Inside Job/False Flag
The Covenant of the Elite:
Walter Veith - Revolutions, Tyrants: World Wars Planned in the 1800's
Pikes 3 world wars:
LarouchPac - Unsurviveable - Obama's WW3 -
Anonymous Manifesto of Patriots and the Secret Underground Resistance - Reverse the Depopulation Agenda -
The road to WW3 -
To hear the entire version of the song playing at the end see (Tupac - Revolution)
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Ancient Knowledge Pt.1 Consciousness, Sacred Geometry, Cymatics, Illusion of Reality (Rare Footage)
Solving ancient mysteries Part 1. "The Ancients" knew much more than given credit for regarding Life, The Universe, Astronomy, Advanced Mathematics, Magnetism, Healing, Unseen Forces etc.
Encoded knowledge is information that is conveyed in signs and symbols and we can find this knowledge all over the world. All these ancient sightings and geometric patterns (Sacred Geometry) symbolise unseen forces at work. We are being lied to by the media. Modern archaeologists don't know what they're talking about. "The Ancients" were not stupid or primitive. We just failed to de-code this knowledge conveyed in signs, symbols and ancient artwork. This kind of information is kept hidden from the public.
Scientists dont know what holds the universe together, the answer is sound and unseen forces. Matter is governed by sound frequencies. There is much more to life than we can perceive with our 5 senses. The question then becomes "who or what governs unseen forces?" What is behind the symmetry throughout nature? (Golden Ratio, Phi, Fibonacci Sequence etc.) It simply cant be just coincidence, in my opinion there is an intelligent mind / consciousness behind all this that keeps it all together.
Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as critisicm, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statue that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
DNA Fingerprint of God unseen forces science physics mysteries solved revealed mind over matter spirit world sound light universe history truth earth mysteries of life mathematics placebo effect healing signs and symbols occult ancient sightings the matrix is real holographic intelligence sacred geometry quantum physics illusion of reality new paradigm 2012 shamanism cleansing mother earth climatic disaster native american change Extreme Weather Patterns Maya change evolution shift timewave zero terrence mckenna fibonacci sequence fingerprint of god golden ratio pi phi in nature sightings nostradamus dimensional omega Mayan Calendar Apocalypse i ching prophecies prophecy alien ufo illuminati pyramids giza peru mexico mystery schools monuments megaliths ley lines earth's energy grid electromagnetic magnetism solar radiation Harmonic great cosmic cycle The Photon belt the wave of love red elk wisdom Galactic Federation solstice quetzalcoatl global warming pleiades orion singularity quantum revelations spirituality code post emergence planetary indigo galactic yoga sacred geometry pineal gland ufo phi om fifth 5th sun global shift Pleiades bloodline David Icke lightworkers seer photons cosmic alignment enlightenment 5th dimenson mass awakening great light cosmic rays sun ascended indigo children milky way astrological cycle Precession of the Equinoxes 26,000 year cycle prophecy Maya, Hopi, Egyptians, Kabbalists, Essenes, Qero elders of Peru, Navajo, Cherokee, Apache, Iroquois Dogon Tribe, Aborigines new cycle new beginning collective consciousness synchronicity 13 Baktun Count Dreamspell maya mayan peace freedom positivity energy energies illuminating enviroment change 5th world emergence climate change magnetic fields fourth dimension fourth world Mindship Earth Planetary awakening Sunspot signs solar time Nibiru Planet Nephlim Mayan Prophecies I-Ching Bible precessional Platonic year end times new Golden age transformation winter solstice Maya Long count ends astronomical cycles kornkreise cycle quantum resonance Bode's harmonization harmonizing purification healing lightworkers abundance mantra Ascended masters Rainbow Warriors Indian Infected Mushroom earthquakes meteors volcanoes wildfires flooding comets, volcano tornado weather climatic solar flares collapse flooding meteor showers meditation philosophy chakra dimension cosmic
divine future ascension transcendence mayan calendar change consciousness ascension spirituality Light new old ways living in balance great mass awakening spiritual love and light 5th fifth world sipapu Pleiadian Evolution mother earth sacred planet way of the peaceful warrior solar federation signs of the end New spirituality environment Mother Earth elohi time asteroids Native American Indigenous Hopi Prophecy RedCrow four corners Indian ozone depletion weather climatic collapse meditation philosophy chakra dimension cosmic new world order pleiadians messengers of light cycle of time serpent of light Singularity quantum change sacred triangle stargate portal nine worlds post sacred time timeless new change rainbow tribe the center living in harmony revelations good news 2012 hopi prophecy rock cosmic stargate age of aquarius dimension planet earth blue star super nova Carl Sagan message crop circles cropcircles secret
4MIN News April 24, 2013: ISON Request 2.0, Solar Wind Strengthening
Original music by Nemes1s
Logo by Xaviar Thunders
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Ice Age Soon?
An Unlikely but Relevant Risk - The Solar Killshot:
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HurricaneZone Satellite Images:
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Satellite Maps:
Forecast Maps:
TORCON: [Tornado Forecast for the day]
Precipitation Totals:
GOES Satellites:
Severe Weather Threats:
Canada Weather Office Satellite Composites:
Temperature Delta:
SOHO Solar Wind:
HAARP Data Meters:
Planetary Orbital Diagram - Ceres1 JPL:
GOES Xray:
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BARTOL Cosmic Rays:
NOAA Sunspot Classifications:
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JAPAN Radiation Map:
RSOE: [That cool alert map I use]
Links To Freemasonic Sacred Texts
The following are sacred literature to Freemasons. If you wish to understand the power of global Freemasonry today, you must study history...
The Dionysian Artificers
by Hippolyto Joseph da Costa [1820]
An essay by one of the pioneers of Freemasonry on an important ancient mystery religion.
Illustrations of Masonry
by William Morgan [1827]
An early 19th century account of Freemasonry which inspired a great deal of controversy.
Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor
by Malcolm C. Duncan [1866]
A comprehensive guide to York rite Freemasonry, including details of ceremonies, grips and passwords, extensively illustrated.
General Ahiman Rezon
by Daniel Sickels [1868]
One of the most sought-after Masonic collections, with descriptions of ceremonies, hymns, building dedications, funerals, and more.
Morals and Dogma
by Albert Pike [1871]
Albert Pikes' magnum opus; a advanced textbook of the esoteric basis of Freemasonry.
Devil Worship in France
by A.E. Waite [1882]
Waite debunks the notorious Taxil hoax which falsely accused Freemasons of worshipping the Devil.
The Symbolism of Freemasonry
by Albert G. Mackey [1882]
Shibboleth: A Templar Monitor
by George Cooper Connor [1894]
A Masonic organization modeled after the Templars of old
The Builders
by Joseph Fort Newton [1914]
One of the most readable introductions to Masonic history and philosophy, including (for once) a factual account of how Freemasonry emerged in the 18th century.
The Meaning of Masonry
by W. L. Wilmshurst [1922]
A look inside the symbolism of Masonry.
Symbolical Masonry
by H. L. Haywood [1923]
A study guide to the history and symbolism of Freemasonry.
The Official Monitor of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, State of Texas
Details of important Masonic rituals, including initiations for the first three degrees, installation of a lodge, and a Masonic burial service.

by Hippolyto Joseph da Costa [1820]
An essay by one of the pioneers of Freemasonry on an important ancient mystery religion.

by William Morgan [1827]
An early 19th century account of Freemasonry which inspired a great deal of controversy.

by Malcolm C. Duncan [1866]
A comprehensive guide to York rite Freemasonry, including details of ceremonies, grips and passwords, extensively illustrated.

by Daniel Sickels [1868]
One of the most sought-after Masonic collections, with descriptions of ceremonies, hymns, building dedications, funerals, and more.

by Albert Pike [1871]
Albert Pikes' magnum opus; a advanced textbook of the esoteric basis of Freemasonry.

by A.E. Waite [1882]
Waite debunks the notorious Taxil hoax which falsely accused Freemasons of worshipping the Devil.

by Albert G. Mackey [1882]

by George Cooper Connor [1894]
A Masonic organization modeled after the Templars of old

by Joseph Fort Newton [1914]
One of the most readable introductions to Masonic history and philosophy, including (for once) a factual account of how Freemasonry emerged in the 18th century.

by W. L. Wilmshurst [1922]
A look inside the symbolism of Masonry.

by H. L. Haywood [1923]
A study guide to the history and symbolism of Freemasonry.

Details of important Masonic rituals, including initiations for the first three degrees, installation of a lodge, and a Masonic burial service.
THE MASK OF MASONRY - Satanic Beliefs In Freemasonry
From the book, Devil Worship In France by A.E. Waite, 1896.
THE identification of the cultus of Lucifer with devil-worship pure and simple is not, as we have seen, at first sight an entirely just proceeding, but at the same time it is inevitable. As already observed, the source of all our knowledge concerning Modern Diabolism exists within the pale of the Catholic Church; the entire literature is written from the standpoint of that church, and has been created solely in its interests. Some of that literature has been put forth with the special marks of high ecclesiastical approbation, and to some this guarantee is wanting, but the same spirit informs the whole. To insist on this point is important for many reasons which will become apparent at the close of our enquiry, and for one which concerns us now. It is impossible for the3 Catholic Church to do otherwise than brand the cultus of Lucifer as identical with that of Satan, because, according to her unswerving instruction, the name Lucifer is an equivalent of Satan, and, moreover, the Luciferian cultus is so admittedly anti-Christian that no form of Christianity could do otherwise than regard it as a worship of darkness and evil. While, therefore, the adoration of a good principle under this discredited name may in one of its aspects be merely an error of judgment, and not the worship of a devil, apart from other facts which destroy this consideration, we must all agree that from the standpoint of Christian and Latin orthodoxy the Luciferian is a diabolist, though not in the sense of the Satanist.
The doctrine of Lucifer has been tersely described by Huysman as a kind of reversed Christianity---a Catholicism à rebours. It is, in fact, the revival of an old heresy founded on what we have most of us been accustomed to regard as a philosophical blunder; in a word, it is a Manichæan system having a special anti-Christian application, for while affirming the existence of two equal first principles, Adonaï and Lucifer, it regards the latter as the god of light and goodness, while the Christian Adonaï is the prince of darkness and the veritable Satan. It is inferred from the condition of the world at the present time that the mastery of the moment resides with the evil principle, and that the beneficent Deity is at a disadvantage. Adonaï reigns surely, as the Christian believes, but he is the author of human misery, and Jesus is the Christ of Adonaï, but he is the messenger of misfortune, suffering, and false renunciation, leading ultimately to destruction when the Deus maledictus shall cease to triumph. The worshippers of Lucifer have taken sides in the cause of humanity, and in their own cause, with the baffled principle of goodness; they co-operate with him in order to insure his triumph, and he communicates with them to encourage and strengthen them; they work to prepare his kingdom, and he promises to raise up a Saviour among them, who is Antichrist, their leader and king to come.
Such is the doctrine of Lucifer according to the testimony of witnesses who have come out from his cultus; it is not an instruction which à priori would seem likely to commend itself to a numerically powerful following, but the society which is concerned with its propagation is affirmed to have spread over the whole world, and to be represented in all its chief cities. It is that which we have already found mentioned by M. Huysman as possessing a demonstrated existence and being a proof positive of modern Satanism, namely, the Palladian Order. Having broadly ascertained its principles, our next course is to discover its alleged history, and here it is necessary to admit that it is a matter of some difficulty to place the position in such an aspect that it will be a tolerable subject for inquiry among readers in England.. The mystery of modern Diabolism and the Cultus of Lucifer is a part of the mystery of Masonry as interpreted by an Anti-Masonic movement now at work in France. The black magic, of which we hear so much, involves a new aspect of the old Catholic Crusade against the Fraternity of the Square and Compass, and by the question of Lucifer is signified an alleged discovery that Masons diabolise.
Now, we are all well acquainted with the historical fact that the Latin Church has long been hostile to Masonry, that popes have condemned the order, and have excommunicated its initiates. Having regard to the position of the brotherhood here in England, most of us have been content to infer in this respect that the ripe old age of the Church is passing into a second childhood; some, however, have concluded that there may be more in Continental Freemasonry than meets the English eye, and here the Church herself comes forward to assure them that the fraternity abroad is a hotbed of political propaganda, and is responsible for the most disastrous revolutions which have perplexed the modern world; that it is actually, as the exploded Robison described it, a conspiracy against crowned heads; and that it is at the present time the most potent, most secret enemy which checkmates and hinders herself.
It is now further affirmed that behind the Masonry of to-day—here in England posing as a benefit society, and political or not upon the Continent, but everywhere disclaiming any connection with a religious propaganda—there is affirmed to be another Masonry, of which the ordinary Mason knows nothing, secretly directing the order, and devoted to the cultus of Lucifer. This organisation, which has sprung up within recent years, is largely, though not exclusively, recruited from Masonry; it works through the powerful Masonic apparatus, and, according to the evidence which has been put in, it has obtained a substantial and masterful control over the entire Fraternity. It has focussed the raw material of Masonic hostility towards the Catholic Church; as it is anti-Christian in religion, so is it revolutionary in politics; and once more, it is called the Palladian Order.
This exceedingly grave and important accusation, together with its side issues, has perhaps all the more claim on our consideration because, apart from actual diabolism, which is in itself so paralysing as almost to arrest discussion, it conflicts with all that we know or believe concerning the Masonic constitution. Let me briefly collect the points. (a) Masonry possesses a secret directing centre—which has been strenuously denied by the Fraternity. (b) It has a religious mission and a doctrinal propaganda—which has also been invariably denied. (c) It is concerned with political objects—which, for the most part, is denied. (d) It has a transcendental teaching—which is generally denied, and (e) is concerned largely with transcendental practices and phenomena—which would be denied absolutely, had the question been seriously raised till this day. (f) It initiates women—which, except in a very secondary, occasional, and insignificant manner, is in toto and at all times denied. The last point is brought within the scope of our inquiry because the Palladium is an androgyne order.
Now, it will be fairly well known to many who are not within the ranks of the fraternity that the Grand Lodges of every country are supposed to be autonomous, and that there has been no previous impeachment of this fact; that, ostensibly at least, there is no central institution to which they are answerable in Masonry. Individual lodges derive from a single Grand Lodge and are responsible thereto, but Grand Lodges themselves are supreme and irresponsible. It will be known also that the Masonic system in England differs from that of France, that the French rite has always occupied a somewhat heterodox position, and that since the Grand Orient expunged the Grand Architect of the Universe, so to speak, from its symbolism, official communication has been suspended by the Grand Lodge of England. It will be known further that outside recognised Masonic systems many rites have arisen which are only Masonic to the extent that their point of departure is from the Master-grade. As a special instance may be cited the Supreme Oriental Rite of Memphis and Misraim. In England the Lodge meetings of these rites are never suffered to take place in the great central institution of Freemasons Hall; in France, the Grand Orient has consistently forbidden its members to participate in the Memphis system. To hold Masonry responsible for irregularities or abuses which from time to time may obtain in these fantastic developments from the parent institution, would be about as just and reasonable as to impeach the Latin Church on the score of corruptions now existing in the heresies which have separated from her.
Having established these points in view of the result of our inquiry, let us now trace the manner in which a supreme authority, frequently termed by the accusers Universal Masonry, is alleged to have grown up. Upon this subject not only the most complete information but the only formal narratives are provided by the later witnesses, so that the following account, while in no sense translation, is based exclusively upon the works of Domenico Margiotta and Dr Bataille.
On the 20th of May, 1737, there was constituted in France the Order of the Palladium, or Sovereign Council of Wisdom, which, after the manner of the androgyne lodges then springing into existence, initiated women under the title of Companions of Penelope. The ritual of this order was published by the Masonic archæologist Ragon, so that there can be no doubt of its existence. At the same time, so far as I am aware, there are few materials forthcoming for its history. In some way which remains wholly untraceable this order is inferred to have been connected by more than its name with the legendary Palladium of the Knights Templars, well known under the title of Baphomet. In any case it failed to spread, and it is uncertain whether the New and Reformed Palladium, also an androgyne order, with which we shall presently be concerned, is a metamorphosis or reconstruction of the original institution, but a connection of some kind is affirmed. For a period exceeding sixty years we hear little of the legendary Palladium; but in 1801 the Israelite Isaac Long is said to have carried the original Baphomet and the skull of the Templar Grand Master Jacques de Molay from Paris to Charleston in the United States, and was afterwards concerned in the reconstruction of the Scotch Rite of Perfection and of Herodom under the name of the Ancient and Accepted Scotch Rite, which subsequently became widely diffused, and it is stated that the lodge of the thirty-third degree of the Supreme Council of Charleston has been the parent of all others, and is therefore, in this rite, the first supreme council of the entire globe.
Eight years later, on the 29th of December 18.09, a man of great importance to the history of Freemasonry was born in the city of Boston. Albert Pike came of parents in a humble position, who, however, struggled with their difficulties and sent him to Harvard College, where he duly graduated, taking his degree as M.A. in the year 1829. He began his career as a schoolmaster, but subsequently led a romantic and wandering life, his love of un-trodden ground leading him to explore the Rocky Mountains, then very imperfectly known. In 1833 he settled in Arkansas, and, drifting into journalism, founded the Arkansas Advocate, wherein his contributions, both prose and verse, but the latter especially, obtained him a reputation in literature. The admission of Arkansas into the confederation of the United States was in part his work, and from this period he began to figure in politics, becoming also the recorder of the Supreme Court in that state. One year after the civil war, in which he took active part, Pike removed to Memphis in Tennessee, where he again followed law and literature, establishing the Memphis Appeal, which he sold. in 1868, and migrated to Washington. His subsequent history is exclusively concerned with unwearying Masonic labours.
Now, it was at Little Rock in Arkansas that Albert Pike was first initiated, and ten years later, that is, in 1859, he was elected Sovereign Commander Grand Master of the Supreme Council of Charleston. Having extraordinary powers of organisation, he became a person of wide influence in the Ancient and Accepted Scotch Rite, and a high authority also on the ritual, antiquities, history, and literature of Masonry. Under his guidance, the Scotch Rite extended and became dominant. Hence, when the Italian patriot Mazzini is said to have projected the centralization of high grade Masonry, he could find no person in the whole fraternity more suited by his position and influence to collaborate with him. Out of this secret partnership there was begotten on September 20, 1870—that is to say, on the very day when the Italian troops entered the Eternal City—a Supreme Rite and Central Organisation of Universal High Grade Masonry, the act of creation being signed by the American Grand Master and the Italian liberator, the two founders also sharing the power between them. A Supreme Dogmatic Directory was created at Charleston, with Pike at its head, under the title of Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry. Mazzini took over the Supreme Executive, having Rome as its centre, under the title of Sovereign Chief of Political Action.
If we now recur to the statements that the genuine Templar Baphomet and the skull of Jacques de Molay had been deposited at Charleston for the space of seventy years, and that Albert Pike was Grand Master of the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scotch Rite in that city, we shall understand why it was that the new institution was termed the New Reformed Palladian Rite, or the Reformed Palladium. Subsequently, five Central Grand Directories were established—at Washington for North America, Monte Video for South America, Naples for Europe, Calcutta for the Eastern World, and Port Louis in Mauritius for Africa. A Sovereign Universal Administrative Directory was fixed at Berlin subsequently to the death of Mazzini. As a result of this astute organisation, Albert Pike is said to have held all Masonry in the hollow of his hand, by means of a twofold apparatus—the Palladium and the Scotch Rite. During all his remaining days, and he lived to a great age, he laboured indefatigably in both causes, and the world at the present moment is filled with the organisation that he administered.
"Four persons are cited as having been coadjutors in his own country—his old friend Gallatin Mackey, in honourable memory among masons; a Scotchman named Longfellow, whom some French writers have ludicrously confused with the poet; one Holbrook, about whom there are few particulars; and, finally, Phileas Walder, a native of Switzerland, originally a Lutheran Minister, afterwards said to have been a Mormon, but, in any case, at the period in question, a well known spiritualist, an earnest student of occultism, as were also Holbrook and Longfellow, and, what is more to the purpose, a personal friend and disciple of the great French magus Éliphas Lévi. Albert Pike was himself an occultist, whether upon his independent initiative, or through the influence of these friends I am unable to say. Miss Diana Vaughan, who is one of the seceding witnesses, affirms that it was an early and absorbing passion. However this may be, the New Reformed Palladium was kept most rigidly separate from all other Masonry, the Scotch Rite included; that is to say, no initiate of even the highest grade had, as such, the right or opportunity of entrance into the occult order, which, at the same time, was chiefly recruited, as already stated, from the higher ordinary grades, but the recipients of the new light became silent from the moment that it was imparted. Now, it was exclusively in the Palladian order that Albert Pike and his confidants propagated transcendental religion, as it is said to have been understood by them. In other words, while the Scotch Rite continued to speculate, the Palladium betook itself to magic and succeeded so well that there was a perpetuity of communication between Charleston and the unseen world. It does not appear from the evidence either when or why Albert Pike and his collaborators transferred their allegiance from the God of the sages to Lucifer. The Catholic Church regards all magic as diabolism, and makes or tolerates no mystic distinction. between the black and white departments of transcendental practice, but the specific character of the Palladian cultus is so clearly defined in the depositions that it cannot pass as a presentation of magical doctrine distorted by prejudice. It is almost stripped of correspondence with any existing school of occult teaching, and it is either the true statement of a system founded. by Pike, or the deliberate invention of malice. The thaumaturgic phenomena tabulated in connection therewith are of an extremely advanced kind, including the real and bodily presence of Lucifer at frequent and regular intervals.
When Mazzini died he indicated to Albert Pike a possible successor in Adriano Lemmi, who became in due course the chief of the Executive Department; and when in the fulness of years the pontiff of Luciferian Freemasonry himself passed on to the higher life of fire, which is the Palladian notion of beatitude, and in the peace and joy of Lucifer, the sovereign pontificate itself, after resting for a short period upon incompetent shoulders in the person of Albert George Mackey, was transferred to the Italian; the seat of the Dogmatic Directory was removed to Rome; a split in the camp ensued, inspired by a lady initiate, since famous under the name of Diana Vaughan, and to this we owe most of the revelations. Furthermore, with the death of Albert Pike the cultus of Lucifer is said to have undergone a significant transfiguration. For him the conception of Satan was a blasphemous. fiction, devised by Adonaïte priestcraft to obscure the veridic lustre which inheres in the angel of the morning-star; but this view represented, as it is said, rather the private opinion of the masonic pontiff, impressed by his strong personality on the lodges he controlled, and propagated. by the instruction of his rituals. The more discerning among his disciples regarded it as the besetting weakness of their grand old man, and surreptitiously during his life-time the cultus of Satan pure and simple, that is, of devil-worship, the adoration of the evil principle, as evil, was practised at numerous Palladian centres. After his death, it is said to have unmasked altogether, and Adriano Lemmi himself is depicted as an avowed Satanist.
Now, I believe it will fairly interpret the feeling of all readers to admit that when the authority of a great church has been brought into operation to crush a great institution by charges which most seriously discredit it—which represent it as diametrically and in all respects opposite in its internal nature to its ostensible appearance—we must by no means make light of the impeachment; we must remember the high position and the many opportunities of knowledge which are possessed by such an accuser; we must extend to that accuser at least the common justice of an impartial and full hearing; à priori considerations of probability and inferences from our previous knowledge, much less from opinions obtained at second-hand, must not be permitted to prejudge a case of so great importance; we must be prepared, if necessary, to admit that we have been egregiously deceived; and if the existence of Palladian Masonry can be proved an undoubted fact, we must assuredly do full honour to the demonstration, and must acknowledge with gratitude that the Church has performed a service to humanity by unveiling the true character of an institution which is imposing on a vast number of well-intentioned persons within its own ranks, who are admittedly unaware of the evil to which they are lending countenance and support. On the other hand, the same spirit of liberality and justice will require that the demonstration in question shall be complete; in support of such terrible accusations, only the first quality of evidence can obviously be admitted.
In the chapters which follow immediately, I shall produce in succession the evidence of every witness who has anything to tell us about Palladism, including those whose experience is of a personal kind and those whose knowledge is derived. Where possible, the testimony of each witness will be weighed as we proceed; what is unconvincing or irrelevant will be dismissed, while that which is important will be carried over to the final summary. In two cases only will it be found necessary to reserve examination for special and separate treatment.
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Also recommended reading on this subject is:
THE identification of the cultus of Lucifer with devil-worship pure and simple is not, as we have seen, at first sight an entirely just proceeding, but at the same time it is inevitable. As already observed, the source of all our knowledge concerning Modern Diabolism exists within the pale of the Catholic Church; the entire literature is written from the standpoint of that church, and has been created solely in its interests. Some of that literature has been put forth with the special marks of high ecclesiastical approbation, and to some this guarantee is wanting, but the same spirit informs the whole. To insist on this point is important for many reasons which will become apparent at the close of our enquiry, and for one which concerns us now. It is impossible for the3 Catholic Church to do otherwise than brand the cultus of Lucifer as identical with that of Satan, because, according to her unswerving instruction, the name Lucifer is an equivalent of Satan, and, moreover, the Luciferian cultus is so admittedly anti-Christian that no form of Christianity could do otherwise than regard it as a worship of darkness and evil. While, therefore, the adoration of a good principle under this discredited name may in one of its aspects be merely an error of judgment, and not the worship of a devil, apart from other facts which destroy this consideration, we must all agree that from the standpoint of Christian and Latin orthodoxy the Luciferian is a diabolist, though not in the sense of the Satanist.
The doctrine of Lucifer has been tersely described by Huysman as a kind of reversed Christianity---a Catholicism à rebours. It is, in fact, the revival of an old heresy founded on what we have most of us been accustomed to regard as a philosophical blunder; in a word, it is a Manichæan system having a special anti-Christian application, for while affirming the existence of two equal first principles, Adonaï and Lucifer, it regards the latter as the god of light and goodness, while the Christian Adonaï is the prince of darkness and the veritable Satan. It is inferred from the condition of the world at the present time that the mastery of the moment resides with the evil principle, and that the beneficent Deity is at a disadvantage. Adonaï reigns surely, as the Christian believes, but he is the author of human misery, and Jesus is the Christ of Adonaï, but he is the messenger of misfortune, suffering, and false renunciation, leading ultimately to destruction when the Deus maledictus shall cease to triumph. The worshippers of Lucifer have taken sides in the cause of humanity, and in their own cause, with the baffled principle of goodness; they co-operate with him in order to insure his triumph, and he communicates with them to encourage and strengthen them; they work to prepare his kingdom, and he promises to raise up a Saviour among them, who is Antichrist, their leader and king to come.
Such is the doctrine of Lucifer according to the testimony of witnesses who have come out from his cultus; it is not an instruction which à priori would seem likely to commend itself to a numerically powerful following, but the society which is concerned with its propagation is affirmed to have spread over the whole world, and to be represented in all its chief cities. It is that which we have already found mentioned by M. Huysman as possessing a demonstrated existence and being a proof positive of modern Satanism, namely, the Palladian Order. Having broadly ascertained its principles, our next course is to discover its alleged history, and here it is necessary to admit that it is a matter of some difficulty to place the position in such an aspect that it will be a tolerable subject for inquiry among readers in England.. The mystery of modern Diabolism and the Cultus of Lucifer is a part of the mystery of Masonry as interpreted by an Anti-Masonic movement now at work in France. The black magic, of which we hear so much, involves a new aspect of the old Catholic Crusade against the Fraternity of the Square and Compass, and by the question of Lucifer is signified an alleged discovery that Masons diabolise.
Now, we are all well acquainted with the historical fact that the Latin Church has long been hostile to Masonry, that popes have condemned the order, and have excommunicated its initiates. Having regard to the position of the brotherhood here in England, most of us have been content to infer in this respect that the ripe old age of the Church is passing into a second childhood; some, however, have concluded that there may be more in Continental Freemasonry than meets the English eye, and here the Church herself comes forward to assure them that the fraternity abroad is a hotbed of political propaganda, and is responsible for the most disastrous revolutions which have perplexed the modern world; that it is actually, as the exploded Robison described it, a conspiracy against crowned heads; and that it is at the present time the most potent, most secret enemy which checkmates and hinders herself.
It is now further affirmed that behind the Masonry of to-day—here in England posing as a benefit society, and political or not upon the Continent, but everywhere disclaiming any connection with a religious propaganda—there is affirmed to be another Masonry, of which the ordinary Mason knows nothing, secretly directing the order, and devoted to the cultus of Lucifer. This organisation, which has sprung up within recent years, is largely, though not exclusively, recruited from Masonry; it works through the powerful Masonic apparatus, and, according to the evidence which has been put in, it has obtained a substantial and masterful control over the entire Fraternity. It has focussed the raw material of Masonic hostility towards the Catholic Church; as it is anti-Christian in religion, so is it revolutionary in politics; and once more, it is called the Palladian Order.
This exceedingly grave and important accusation, together with its side issues, has perhaps all the more claim on our consideration because, apart from actual diabolism, which is in itself so paralysing as almost to arrest discussion, it conflicts with all that we know or believe concerning the Masonic constitution. Let me briefly collect the points. (a) Masonry possesses a secret directing centre—which has been strenuously denied by the Fraternity. (b) It has a religious mission and a doctrinal propaganda—which has also been invariably denied. (c) It is concerned with political objects—which, for the most part, is denied. (d) It has a transcendental teaching—which is generally denied, and (e) is concerned largely with transcendental practices and phenomena—which would be denied absolutely, had the question been seriously raised till this day. (f) It initiates women—which, except in a very secondary, occasional, and insignificant manner, is in toto and at all times denied. The last point is brought within the scope of our inquiry because the Palladium is an androgyne order.
Now, it will be fairly well known to many who are not within the ranks of the fraternity that the Grand Lodges of every country are supposed to be autonomous, and that there has been no previous impeachment of this fact; that, ostensibly at least, there is no central institution to which they are answerable in Masonry. Individual lodges derive from a single Grand Lodge and are responsible thereto, but Grand Lodges themselves are supreme and irresponsible. It will be known also that the Masonic system in England differs from that of France, that the French rite has always occupied a somewhat heterodox position, and that since the Grand Orient expunged the Grand Architect of the Universe, so to speak, from its symbolism, official communication has been suspended by the Grand Lodge of England. It will be known further that outside recognised Masonic systems many rites have arisen which are only Masonic to the extent that their point of departure is from the Master-grade. As a special instance may be cited the Supreme Oriental Rite of Memphis and Misraim. In England the Lodge meetings of these rites are never suffered to take place in the great central institution of Freemasons Hall; in France, the Grand Orient has consistently forbidden its members to participate in the Memphis system. To hold Masonry responsible for irregularities or abuses which from time to time may obtain in these fantastic developments from the parent institution, would be about as just and reasonable as to impeach the Latin Church on the score of corruptions now existing in the heresies which have separated from her.
Having established these points in view of the result of our inquiry, let us now trace the manner in which a supreme authority, frequently termed by the accusers Universal Masonry, is alleged to have grown up. Upon this subject not only the most complete information but the only formal narratives are provided by the later witnesses, so that the following account, while in no sense translation, is based exclusively upon the works of Domenico Margiotta and Dr Bataille.
On the 20th of May, 1737, there was constituted in France the Order of the Palladium, or Sovereign Council of Wisdom, which, after the manner of the androgyne lodges then springing into existence, initiated women under the title of Companions of Penelope. The ritual of this order was published by the Masonic archæologist Ragon, so that there can be no doubt of its existence. At the same time, so far as I am aware, there are few materials forthcoming for its history. In some way which remains wholly untraceable this order is inferred to have been connected by more than its name with the legendary Palladium of the Knights Templars, well known under the title of Baphomet. In any case it failed to spread, and it is uncertain whether the New and Reformed Palladium, also an androgyne order, with which we shall presently be concerned, is a metamorphosis or reconstruction of the original institution, but a connection of some kind is affirmed. For a period exceeding sixty years we hear little of the legendary Palladium; but in 1801 the Israelite Isaac Long is said to have carried the original Baphomet and the skull of the Templar Grand Master Jacques de Molay from Paris to Charleston in the United States, and was afterwards concerned in the reconstruction of the Scotch Rite of Perfection and of Herodom under the name of the Ancient and Accepted Scotch Rite, which subsequently became widely diffused, and it is stated that the lodge of the thirty-third degree of the Supreme Council of Charleston has been the parent of all others, and is therefore, in this rite, the first supreme council of the entire globe.
Eight years later, on the 29th of December 18.09, a man of great importance to the history of Freemasonry was born in the city of Boston. Albert Pike came of parents in a humble position, who, however, struggled with their difficulties and sent him to Harvard College, where he duly graduated, taking his degree as M.A. in the year 1829. He began his career as a schoolmaster, but subsequently led a romantic and wandering life, his love of un-trodden ground leading him to explore the Rocky Mountains, then very imperfectly known. In 1833 he settled in Arkansas, and, drifting into journalism, founded the Arkansas Advocate, wherein his contributions, both prose and verse, but the latter especially, obtained him a reputation in literature. The admission of Arkansas into the confederation of the United States was in part his work, and from this period he began to figure in politics, becoming also the recorder of the Supreme Court in that state. One year after the civil war, in which he took active part, Pike removed to Memphis in Tennessee, where he again followed law and literature, establishing the Memphis Appeal, which he sold. in 1868, and migrated to Washington. His subsequent history is exclusively concerned with unwearying Masonic labours.
Now, it was at Little Rock in Arkansas that Albert Pike was first initiated, and ten years later, that is, in 1859, he was elected Sovereign Commander Grand Master of the Supreme Council of Charleston. Having extraordinary powers of organisation, he became a person of wide influence in the Ancient and Accepted Scotch Rite, and a high authority also on the ritual, antiquities, history, and literature of Masonry. Under his guidance, the Scotch Rite extended and became dominant. Hence, when the Italian patriot Mazzini is said to have projected the centralization of high grade Masonry, he could find no person in the whole fraternity more suited by his position and influence to collaborate with him. Out of this secret partnership there was begotten on September 20, 1870—that is to say, on the very day when the Italian troops entered the Eternal City—a Supreme Rite and Central Organisation of Universal High Grade Masonry, the act of creation being signed by the American Grand Master and the Italian liberator, the two founders also sharing the power between them. A Supreme Dogmatic Directory was created at Charleston, with Pike at its head, under the title of Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry. Mazzini took over the Supreme Executive, having Rome as its centre, under the title of Sovereign Chief of Political Action.
If we now recur to the statements that the genuine Templar Baphomet and the skull of Jacques de Molay had been deposited at Charleston for the space of seventy years, and that Albert Pike was Grand Master of the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scotch Rite in that city, we shall understand why it was that the new institution was termed the New Reformed Palladian Rite, or the Reformed Palladium. Subsequently, five Central Grand Directories were established—at Washington for North America, Monte Video for South America, Naples for Europe, Calcutta for the Eastern World, and Port Louis in Mauritius for Africa. A Sovereign Universal Administrative Directory was fixed at Berlin subsequently to the death of Mazzini. As a result of this astute organisation, Albert Pike is said to have held all Masonry in the hollow of his hand, by means of a twofold apparatus—the Palladium and the Scotch Rite. During all his remaining days, and he lived to a great age, he laboured indefatigably in both causes, and the world at the present moment is filled with the organisation that he administered.
"Four persons are cited as having been coadjutors in his own country—his old friend Gallatin Mackey, in honourable memory among masons; a Scotchman named Longfellow, whom some French writers have ludicrously confused with the poet; one Holbrook, about whom there are few particulars; and, finally, Phileas Walder, a native of Switzerland, originally a Lutheran Minister, afterwards said to have been a Mormon, but, in any case, at the period in question, a well known spiritualist, an earnest student of occultism, as were also Holbrook and Longfellow, and, what is more to the purpose, a personal friend and disciple of the great French magus Éliphas Lévi. Albert Pike was himself an occultist, whether upon his independent initiative, or through the influence of these friends I am unable to say. Miss Diana Vaughan, who is one of the seceding witnesses, affirms that it was an early and absorbing passion. However this may be, the New Reformed Palladium was kept most rigidly separate from all other Masonry, the Scotch Rite included; that is to say, no initiate of even the highest grade had, as such, the right or opportunity of entrance into the occult order, which, at the same time, was chiefly recruited, as already stated, from the higher ordinary grades, but the recipients of the new light became silent from the moment that it was imparted. Now, it was exclusively in the Palladian order that Albert Pike and his confidants propagated transcendental religion, as it is said to have been understood by them. In other words, while the Scotch Rite continued to speculate, the Palladium betook itself to magic and succeeded so well that there was a perpetuity of communication between Charleston and the unseen world. It does not appear from the evidence either when or why Albert Pike and his collaborators transferred their allegiance from the God of the sages to Lucifer. The Catholic Church regards all magic as diabolism, and makes or tolerates no mystic distinction. between the black and white departments of transcendental practice, but the specific character of the Palladian cultus is so clearly defined in the depositions that it cannot pass as a presentation of magical doctrine distorted by prejudice. It is almost stripped of correspondence with any existing school of occult teaching, and it is either the true statement of a system founded. by Pike, or the deliberate invention of malice. The thaumaturgic phenomena tabulated in connection therewith are of an extremely advanced kind, including the real and bodily presence of Lucifer at frequent and regular intervals.
When Mazzini died he indicated to Albert Pike a possible successor in Adriano Lemmi, who became in due course the chief of the Executive Department; and when in the fulness of years the pontiff of Luciferian Freemasonry himself passed on to the higher life of fire, which is the Palladian notion of beatitude, and in the peace and joy of Lucifer, the sovereign pontificate itself, after resting for a short period upon incompetent shoulders in the person of Albert George Mackey, was transferred to the Italian; the seat of the Dogmatic Directory was removed to Rome; a split in the camp ensued, inspired by a lady initiate, since famous under the name of Diana Vaughan, and to this we owe most of the revelations. Furthermore, with the death of Albert Pike the cultus of Lucifer is said to have undergone a significant transfiguration. For him the conception of Satan was a blasphemous. fiction, devised by Adonaïte priestcraft to obscure the veridic lustre which inheres in the angel of the morning-star; but this view represented, as it is said, rather the private opinion of the masonic pontiff, impressed by his strong personality on the lodges he controlled, and propagated. by the instruction of his rituals. The more discerning among his disciples regarded it as the besetting weakness of their grand old man, and surreptitiously during his life-time the cultus of Satan pure and simple, that is, of devil-worship, the adoration of the evil principle, as evil, was practised at numerous Palladian centres. After his death, it is said to have unmasked altogether, and Adriano Lemmi himself is depicted as an avowed Satanist.
Now, I believe it will fairly interpret the feeling of all readers to admit that when the authority of a great church has been brought into operation to crush a great institution by charges which most seriously discredit it—which represent it as diametrically and in all respects opposite in its internal nature to its ostensible appearance—we must by no means make light of the impeachment; we must remember the high position and the many opportunities of knowledge which are possessed by such an accuser; we must extend to that accuser at least the common justice of an impartial and full hearing; à priori considerations of probability and inferences from our previous knowledge, much less from opinions obtained at second-hand, must not be permitted to prejudge a case of so great importance; we must be prepared, if necessary, to admit that we have been egregiously deceived; and if the existence of Palladian Masonry can be proved an undoubted fact, we must assuredly do full honour to the demonstration, and must acknowledge with gratitude that the Church has performed a service to humanity by unveiling the true character of an institution which is imposing on a vast number of well-intentioned persons within its own ranks, who are admittedly unaware of the evil to which they are lending countenance and support. On the other hand, the same spirit of liberality and justice will require that the demonstration in question shall be complete; in support of such terrible accusations, only the first quality of evidence can obviously be admitted.
In the chapters which follow immediately, I shall produce in succession the evidence of every witness who has anything to tell us about Palladism, including those whose experience is of a personal kind and those whose knowledge is derived. Where possible, the testimony of each witness will be weighed as we proceed; what is unconvincing or irrelevant will be dismissed, while that which is important will be carried over to the final summary. In two cases only will it be found necessary to reserve examination for special and separate treatment.
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Monday, April 22, 2013
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